So this month I read The Road by Cormac McCarthy for book club. I f-ing loved the book. I probably shouldn't be sharing this with you readerettes, as we haven't officially met on the book yet - so I'm sort of killing the hype before the big event, but whatev. Anyway, I read the book in about 4 hours, I couldn't put it down, H-ette could have told me the house was on fire, or my favorite Marc Jacobs shoes were being eaten by the dog and I probably wouldn't have budged. My eyes were dry afterward, b/c I blinked less - that's how much I liked this book.
Now don't get me wrong - this wasn't a warm and fuzzy number. But it got me thinking about what will happen when the shit hits the fan. This is something that H-ette thinks about - he sometimes gets conspiracy theorist on me...but it's okay, I'm totally picking up what he's putting down. So a few months ago, we went to Target and stocked up on a couple 12 packs of bottled water and like 10 cans of food. Oh, and a little first aid kit. And we thought we were set. After reading this book, I sort of realize that that would have gotten us through about an afternoon, so we'd be dead - siyonara.
So I've decided that I want H-ette to build me a bomb shelter. We have an acre and a half - we have plenty of space to dig - H-ette wants a pool, I say F the pool - give a girl a bomb shelter, and make it smart and snappy. Here's what I want my underground concrete palace to include:
Now don't get me wrong - this wasn't a warm and fuzzy number. But it got me thinking about what will happen when the shit hits the fan. This is something that H-ette thinks about - he sometimes gets conspiracy theorist on me...but it's okay, I'm totally picking up what he's putting down. So a few months ago, we went to Target and stocked up on a couple 12 packs of bottled water and like 10 cans of food. Oh, and a little first aid kit. And we thought we were set. After reading this book, I sort of realize that that would have gotten us through about an afternoon, so we'd be dead - siyonara.
So I've decided that I want H-ette to build me a bomb shelter. We have an acre and a half - we have plenty of space to dig - H-ette wants a pool, I say F the pool - give a girl a bomb shelter, and make it smart and snappy. Here's what I want my underground concrete palace to include:
- I want technology down there - if I'm gonna be stuck in a hole I want dimmer switches (simulated day/night) and iPizzle and loads of DVD's.
- I want like 100 crossword puzzle books. There's no point in dumbing it down just b/c I'm stuck in a hole. Must. Keep. Mind. Happy.
- Tempurpedic bed. Why should my back suffer just b/c the world has ended?
- A lifetime supply of Reeses Pieces, Reeses peanut butter cups, Snickers, cookie dough, carrot cake and brownies (made by my next door neighbor's kids - they make some sick brownies). Oh, and Annie's Organic mac and cheese. I'm stuck in a hole - who the hell cares if I get fat?
- Wallpaper - now's a good time to get creative on the home front - if I get bored of it, I don't really have anything else to do, I'll peel it off, inch by inch and start over.
- Drugs -Now's a good time to try all those drugs I was always too scared to try. Why not? I'm stuck in a hole.
- Lots and lots of wine and liquor. Stuck. In. hole. I want to be razzled.
Okay, h-ette. Let me know when it's ready. I invited Pants and One Kazzler up to share it with us, Big Love style. (Minus Bam.)
Count us in. This is the type weekend entertainment I'm talkin' about. Make it happen!
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