You might have heard (if you read Perez everyday like me) that UK Cosmo basically made up a bunch of stuff in their ScarJo article where she talks all about her marriage. She basically never said any of it, so they had to issue a whole public apology.

What I find funny is that no one is making them apologize for the other giant lie - which is her picture on the front cover. They airbrushed the shit out of her. Maybe I'm just getting a little disillusioned with media and celeb gossip in particular, but I think it's total bs. She's fine with you tapping her boobs up, removing any trace of a wrinkle or zit, cutting 12 pounds off her mid-section, creating eyebrows, etc, but not saying she loves her husband. Without all that stuff, she's basically just a glorified Jodie Sweein.

I don't know what's with me today, I usually love that sort of thing, but I'm in no mood right now. What's the point of snow if you can't have a snow day.
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