I had a perfectly lovely weekend, exchanged gifts with family, kicked ass in Taboo (was even voted MVP) and had lots of QT with Angel Baby. And then I had to shit the whole thing up by watching a scary movie and now I'm a bundle of nerves and basically sitting on my couch whimpering until Pants comes home. It's actually all AB's fault. She was sick this weekend and made a point to sneeze in my mouth like once every 9 minutes. So now I have a wicked sore through and skipped out on good times at a hanukah party, trading gifts and eating latkahs, and instead am curled up on the couch with my pathetic slanket substitute feeling bad about myself. So to pass the time until Pants gets here I put on a movie, I Am Legend. Will Smith, he was fun in Men in Black and loved him in FPOBA so I figured it could be a good choice. I knew the story was him alone in NYC, but figured maybe he like fell asleep during a bad storm or something and everyone cleared out, but that he stats a new society and ends up meeting a girl and they fall in love, etc, etc, happy ending. Well that was not the case. I won't scare you with the serious details, but basically some virus wipes everyone out and the only survivors are zombie people who roam around at night trying to bite your face off. It's that kind of be-really-quiet-so-the-zombie-doesn't-catch-you, and don't-look-around-that-corner-cause-he'll-jump-out type of flick. And I hate those freaking movies. I never intentionally scare myslef. What the hell for?!? Life is scary enough, I wake up in fear every morning before I look in the mirror hoping I don't have a zit or a new wrinkle forming. I certainly don't need to think about not going out at night cause a zomie race is trying to sniff out my fresh human blood. But I can't turn off a movie once I'm in it, I kept hoping the chic would show up and they'd live happily ever after - so I suffered through the whole thing. Now I turned on every light in my house and I'm looking sideways at Bam casue there's something about the way she's breathing in her sleep that makes me think she might be infected too. This is not how you should spend the first night of hanukah. I hope that famous movie producers are reading this and really make an effort to brighten up their films. Think shopping sprees ala Pretty Woman, and Shrek-esc characters are always enjoyable, never hurts to put Kevin James in it.
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