My mom generously placed the announcement of my engagement in our hometown pub - also known as Jew Weekly, or The Jewish Exponent.
Great pic, cute write up, all good. She brings me a hard copy this weekend, which I share with my beloved fiance. He takes a look at the page and remarks that he's previously "hooked up" with at least two of the other engaged women on the page. That's right, two other bitches, not including me.
Apparently my man has a thing for Northeast Philly JAPs, and he's a total slut.
UPDATE: Pants called to inform me that he only "hooked up" with one of those girls and the other he just "kinda knows." He wants that on record so my mom doesn't think poorly of him. He also noted that he's had a very varied, multi-culti dating past and just happens to have an affinity for bossy Jewish girls, and there is nothing wrong with that. So there you have it, Pants is slightly more discriminating than we originally thought and in the end, he only gave the big rock to one JAP - so we all win.
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