I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. There's an official Major League Dreidel organization
- with an upcoming tournament right around the corner. Their website is touting an event on December 21st at Fontana's on the Lower East Side....

Now I need to know something. Why is it that all Jewish event video montages follow the exact same format, pretty much the same musical opus - there's always the live footage, followed by a few stills which slowly zoom in or away from the camera, at which point something sort of folksy and campish and a little too Cat Stevens (for all the wrong reasons) starts to play, and then it freeze frames, and then it jumps back to a live moment, and then ends with a still again, fading out. See what I mean here...
I need to know - can these Jewy organizations not convince some of their media industry tribesmen to hook them up with some video-making resources?? Can't Spielberg let some goofy guy in his flash department take an hour and help out the friggin dreidel organization to get a better, more spectacular video than this? Jews are supposed to know people, but instead, all their promotional videos look like crap created at a bar mitzvah - or on an Israeli teen tour.
I would have totally signed up (I love me some dreidel, and gelt?! It doesn't get much better than gelt) but I'm too scared I'll end up in next year's promotional video.
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