So instead, I will leave you with this: May 2009 be better than 2008. May tonight be better than last night. and may tomorrow morning, you not wake up in a strange place without your shoes. Happy New Year people. L'chaim.
Having a cranky day so lots of stuff is bothering me.
I won’t go into great detail, but here’s a listing:
It happened
It finally arrived
I can’t believe it
4 full years and 80 days later (minus about 6 months apart)
The clouds parted
And g-d shone down upon me (is shone a word?)
And the angels sang
And someone must have slipped Pants a roofie
He Proposed
I’m freaking engaged.
The love of my life got down on a knee and asked me to marry him
And he showed me a ring
A bad-ass, big, awesome diamond ring (that makes my fat, stubby fingers look little)
I am so happy
And now, watch out.
If you think you've ever known a "difficult" bride - well you ain't seen nothing yet.
Pants has unleashed my unholy brand of "getting my way" and now it's not just him and me - it's for all of you to deal with as I plan my big day.
"Kvetch" is a word of Yiddish origin, literally meaning "to squeeze." Idiomatically, it roughly means "to complain."
"ette" is from Smurfette, the only female smurf until the creation of Sassette.
If you don't get it by now, just forget it.