OK, totally slammed today, but didn't want to leave readers in the lurch without a new post. Have you ever been on the subway or a city bus for that matter and have an overzealous conductor/driver? Usually it's nice when they say have a good day and be safe, but my ride this morning, was so incredibly annoying. The conductor kept pressing the button for those stupid announcements like "ladies and gentlemen, please allow people to exit the train before entering" - we weren't even stopped at the time, or "ladies and gentlemen, for your safety, please hold on to the hand rails when the train is in motion." Seriously every five seconds he would play another one. Then the guy gets on the intercom to make his own add-on announcement, "ladies and gentlemen, this is your conductor speaking, please be aware of pick-pockets, do not carry your wallets in your back pocket and keep your pocketbooks close by, thank you and have a blessed day." And he did that at every stop. We heard no less than 15 announcements in my 10 minute ride. I appreciate that they want to give helpful tips, but what would really help is if they did something to ease congestion on the train so I didn't have to stand there for 60 blocks feeling some sweaty guy's "anatomy" on my leg the whole ride. That's when I give the chop, I hold a book in my hand for just this type of occasion and if said sweaty guy gets too close, I drop my arm down hard to my side, and he gets chopped. If anyone has been hurtin for some physical attention from men, take the 4 train downtown from 86 street at about 8:30 am, and enjoy! I'll be taking a cab from now on.
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