I have a love/hate relationship with lists. I don't quite know how it began, but at some point in my childhood I decided I liked my handwriting. I also decided during that time that I had a short-term memory loss shortcoming and that writing things down would be a surefire way to stay on top of day-to-day life "things." HA.
For the last ten years, I have created lists. Mostly to-do lists, but there has always been the occasional pro/con list and grocery list, and even the reasons for/reasons against list. But never in all my ten years have I finished a list. I create each one in anticipation of completing each numbered line...I sometimes even write things on these lists that I have already completed just so I can cross it out immediately, thus feeling a sense of accomplishment. I know, I know; I should get a hobby.
However, at no time have lists been as important in my life as they are right now. Between a house purchase, wedding, honeymoon, job, life, dog, in-laws, obligations, I am literally swimming in to-do's. However, every day without fail I write out a new list, letting yesterdays and all lists before it go to hell.
Yes, I know. I am wasting paper. However, my little environmentalettes, I often create my lists on my trustee laptop--thus staying paper-free. I suppose that's how I always end up needing new lists. I also create them on Starbucks napkins (the ones I haven't used cleaning up my spilled drips), restaurant receipts, envelopes and the old email-to-myself method.
I just completed my latest list. It's redundent of all lists before it and quite frankly is so long that it would take me months to complete. So instead of getting anything on the list accomplished, I'm kvetching. And eating.
Thanks for tuning in....if anyone wants a task, let me know. I have a few lists I can sell you.
1 comment:
Rumor has it that you created yet another list this morning on the commuter rail. We should talk.
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