Here's the problem with Sundays... They like to trick you into thinking it's a part of the weekend, you get a luxurious two days for nothing but fun and relaxation. But the truth is, Sundays are for errands and planning for Monday. On Friday you basically skip out of work, giddy with joy about the stretch of time that lay ahead. That excitement extends through Saturday morning when you awake and contemplate how you'll spend your loooooong day of freedom. By Saturday night you actually are feeling relaxed and rejuvenated and still a little giddy that a full half of the weekend is still to come. But without fail on Sunday that icky, depressed feeling of dread hits you. Maybe not by 10 am, or noon, or maybe even not till 2, but definitely by 3 you are starting to think about work the next day. Remembering all the stuff you left undone when you were blogging or reading other people's blogs last week. Thinking about the calls you need to make, the dry cleaning you have to pick up, the prescriptions that need filling and that trip to the pet store to buy the wee wee pads because you were too lazy to ever train your dog to pee outside. No matter who you're with or how much fun you're having this feeling comes over you and you can't stop it. By 4, you think to yourself, you should check your blackberry to see if anything came up over the weekend. You decide to hold off and move on to laundry instead since you are out of clean underwear. By 6, you can’t hold off any longer and you read your emails. Nothing major but a few bitchy emails from a client and so you start to ruminate on that and you think to yourself how rude it was of said client to send you a bitchy email over the weekend and you are even more cranky. And then you kick yourself for reading the stupid emails in the first place. By 8 you are in full despair, you figure my weekend’s over I may as well just sit on the couch and watch TV. Then at 9 that new HBO show with all the graphic sex comes on and it makes you think all relationships end up sucking anyway so there’s no hope for yours. You kick yourself for not ponying up the cash to get Showtime so you can watch something fun like Weeds instead. At 10 you’re miserable and feeling gross from all the popcorn and chocolate cookies you ate during the last show you watched but you figure you should pick out your clothes for the next day so you can add a few extra precious minutes to your snooze time tomorrow. Of course nothing fits and looks nice cause of all the crap you just ate, so you give up and get in bed. All the fun of Friday and Saturday feels like a distant memory and you are left with only the thought of a long week of work ahead. Thus I’m going to start to call Sundays the weekstart – I’m not going to kid myself anymore that Sundays are to be considered fun days off when they are really just prep days for the week. So hope you all had a good weekstart, and happy Monday!
1 comment:
Wee-wee pads are for suckas, just get a used cattle prod from eBay and shock your dog into behavin' propah'! Holla back y'all!
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