Okay, okay, I know...I have already posted about rain and umbrellas. And it was relevant and funny. But now I have a serious kvetch regarding the above-mentioned, and I have to vent.
Last night my umbrella was stolen. Yup, I am the victim of a theft, and not just any ole' petty theft; this thief stole what was probably the best umbrella in the entire world; and one that can not be replaced. This was a London Fog umbrella. One that was so durable it has withstood the test of 6+ years of winds, rain and storms and has kept me bone-dry through every single one.
Herein my true kvetch lies...last night I attended a formal event; one in which upon entering the event space, a man in charge of "umbrellas" took my pride and joy from me out of courtesy so I would not enter the space dripping and thus making a mess everywhere. What a nice gesture! I thought...until four hours later I exited the party to even heavier rain and a long walk to the valet, only to realize that my umbrella was no longer there, and neither was the nice man who took it from me upon arrival.
Now can someone explain to me, 1) why someone would take an umbrella that clearly was not theirs, and more importantly 2) why a place would employ a gentleman to take from guests and not give back. Would it have been so hard for them to keep the man on the clock until guests departed, so they could be given back what was taken from them in the same manner?
Well, here I sit, on a rainy Saturday, umbrella-less and depressed after realizing that I will never be able to take cover under an umbrella so functional again. My memories of dryness underneath it's protective wings are over, and I have to move on, wet hair and all.
Thanks a lot.
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