top prize goes to hung, or marcell jr.
is it possible hung was really marcell disguised as an asian?
they both are like 4'10" and have crazy hair. seemed like just an odd
coincidence until in the final challenge foams kept showing up. suspicious.
i know i know, we saw marcell in the audience at
the end and they were together, refuting my whole "they are one person"theory,
but really they can do crazy things with video editing these days, so
you never know.
oh and one more thing. how come the judges all
wore the same outfits at the live finale that they wore on the last
episode taping months ago. does anyone really think it was all one day
- would it have been that strange if they had changed their clothes?
oh and why was padma a cowgirl in this episode?
anyway congratulations hung! or marcell, or whatever you want to be called.
1 comment:
I concur. Hung's lack of team spirit really resonated with me throughout the season. His sloppy selfish "grab and go" ingredient dash brought back disturbing memories of season's passed. And I disliked his strong arming tactic at the end by bringing in the guilt of his family heritage and hardship and upbringing. Just cook food, you!!
Casey gave us surprise after surprise each and every show. Just when you think she is a down-home, meat-and-potatoes kind of chef she grabs some obscure ingredients and gives her dish a foreign name in her adorable twangy accent. I am so sad Casey crumbled under the pressure of last night's finale. I take my hat off to her and wish her luck. And ask that next season Padma stop dressing in theme clothing every time they move locations. Who are you, Dolly Parton?
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