Just when I thought she had shriveled away and out of sight, the Queen-of- Sticks-and-Stones-Will-Absolutely-Break-Her-Bones (ahem, Rachel Zoe) strikes again; this time with a new book; of which Barnes and Noble on 5th Avenue has graced it's glossy windows with. Explain to me how being a clothing stylist who feeds her models pills like some people feed their children mushy carrots makes her worthy of her own book? It's bad enough that she potty-mouthed Anna Wintour in the NY Times. It's even worse that she has been given the celeb-authority to charge $6000 a day for her "fashion-schmashion" services. But to now author a book? C'mon. What is with these loserettes? What; did Paris, Nicole and "Zoe-Zkinny" Rachel get a three-for-one deal with the publisher or something?
Style From A to Zoe may sound tempting for the stylishly disabled, but be forewarned: the book comes with a rider that states once you open the cover, you will never be allowed to eat again, and will be relegated to lattes and cigs; the diet of champions.
Zoooooe stylish if you ask me.
Style From A to Zoe may sound tempting for the stylishly disabled, but be forewarned: the book comes with a rider that states once you open the cover, you will never be allowed to eat again, and will be relegated to lattes and cigs; the diet of champions.
Zoooooe stylish if you ask me.
1 comment:
Get real. Rachel didn't write that book, Rose Apodaca, who was the west coast bureau chief of Women's Wear Daily wrote it. Now SHE knows style!
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