What is with all the disdain against Kathy Griffin? I don't know about you, but I find her raucously funny and entirely, sarcastically, well...perfect. I mean, c'mon. She gave us the gays. She gave us the D-list. She gave us her ridiculously cute gay-bar-visiting-for-happy-hour-wine-specials parents. The woman has given so much to the community, isn't it time we step up and give back? Kit-Kath needs some love. Back in May, she excitedly guest-hosted the View in the hopes they would invite her back, and the hags didn't seem to think she was View material. In June, she was nearly shot at while leaving the Roosevelt hotel. And sistah's husband has been accused of stealing money from her D-list bank accounts, and then leaving her.
Why she deserves our love:
Why she deserves our love:
- She went on Oprah and admitted to all the plastic surgery she has had. (How many LA ladies do you know who would do that?) Now, don't get us wrong; her procedures leave a bit to be desired. But she's a comedian, not a model. So let's stop judging her, hmm?
- She admits she is a tabloid whore, and that everything she does she does strictly for publicity.
- She hates on all the right people. Gay Aiken, anyone?
In Kathy we trust.
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