deaw mama,
oops...you did a booboo again. you got in twouble for something. but you told tater tot and me that when you were drinking fwom dat bottle it was apple juice, and when you gave us sum, it tasted kinda funny but you said it was owganic and would make us have more fun at da bar you like to take us to. but now all the kids at romper room are saying their mommas tole' them you were drinking bad stuff. they sez where you from momma they call it hooch. or maybe they sed you were a hooch. i cant wemember. so we tole' them to shut up and we tole' em we were gonna shave their heds if they didn't stop.
but momma, how come when we go to other kids houses their mommas don't show us their hoohoos like you do? we askd billies mom why she dint have her hoohoo out and her eyes got real big and she calld daddy and made him come get us. tater tot and i are really comfused.
so now we are at daddys and he has a lady over that he tld us he had to do bidness with, so he let us play on his compooter. and there are pictures of you all over the inta net so peeple must luv you like we luv you, huh mama? but why cant we see you? can't you dwive over and pick us up and let us dwive the car again like last time? we reely liked that game. but this time maybe you can stay in the front seet because we still cant reech the peddels.
we wuv you momma.
tater tot and small fry
1 comment:
Yeah well I told ya'll this shiznit would happen. My baby-daddy, err, I guess I mean... myself, I be straight trippin' over the 411 on my ex wiznife. Girl is fo' sho' 3 jokers short of a full deck but on the real, I do sometimes miss tappin' that ass.
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