As many of you know, 2 will be leaving me for 3+ weeks, she's selfishly decided to get married and - if that's not enough - then follow the wedding with an extended honeymoon. Bully for her, but in the meantime there is a lot of complaining that needs to get done, and though many would assert that my capacity for complaining is limitless, the truth is I have a job and must moderate my whining to only a couple posts a day. Since we know you crave quality and varied gripping, we've decided to open the airwaves to all those who feel the need to bitch and who
meet the below requirements. If you are up to the task reply in the comment section to submit your discussion topic and be sure to include your creative ette-name. 2 and I will review submissions over the next few weeks and award guestette contributor roles to outstanding applicants.
- Your post must be an actual complaint, preferably pointing out life's daily annoyances that others can relate to. If you feel the need to say something nice about someone please take that to another blog, like maybe Clay Aiken has a site you can write to.
-- Please note, if you present a good idea that we may sometime want to post as our own, we may steal it.
- Your post must be humorous. Obviously this is subjective, so when we say it should be funny, that means funny to 2 or me or really just me, since she's going away anyway.
- Your post may not disparage either of the ettes or the blog, all other people/topics are welcome.
Additional notes:
- All posts are subject to editing. We reserve the right to modify to make the posting more funny if you are sort of boring, or less funny, if it seems that you are naturally funnier than us.
- Correct spelling and appropriate grammar are not required.
- Topics that are stolen from Gawker will not be accepted - that's our territory.
Start thinking everyone. What really gets your goat, who was mean to you today, why is it 80 degrees in late October? Looking forward to hearing all of your irritable, belligerent, cranky whining.
1 comment:
Can I write about why I hate brokers? -lawyergirl
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