Monday, September 7, 2009

Hosting a 'Q

So as I recuperate (still) from the bbq festivities two days ago, I want to share some words of wisdom I've amassed:

1) When your spouse (aka husband - b/c wives aren't guilty of this crime) tells you that he is going to handle EVERYTHING for the event, that means roughly that he will handle 40% of the duties. As in, he'll choose the beer and he'll push the cart at Costco, and he'll man the grill. But when it comes to duties like making sure there's plenty of T.P. for your guests, having all the food/forks/extra wine openers for when the first one breaks/more than one bag of chips, you will be stuck stressing and making lists every time.

2) Telling people to show up at their leisure AND simultaneously asking them to bring a dish means that at 3pm you'll have hot dogs, at 4:30 you'll have pasta salad, at 7pm you'll have salsa, at 7:14 you'll have carrot cake, and at 11pm you'll have special, ridiculous Cuban corn, hot off the grill and served off a platter.

3) When you live in the 'burbs, inviting some neighbors and not others basically puts you on par with Edie from Desperate Housewives. People will now pretend they like me, but they'll be whisperin' and wondering why I didn't invite them to the fest, and probably calling me names under their breath when they see me at the A&P.

4) Pre-BBQ, don't ever tell your guests you are so excited about "catching up" with them. You will have no time for such luxuries, as you will be too busy "hosting" and fetching toilet paper.

5) Try to be smart about your food estimations -- people are only coming to your house for a few hours, not for Armageddon. Be savvy with your menu or you'll be eating burgers and dogs until Yom Kippur. 2011.

6) Interview all dogs and children before invited. Make sure they can coexist peacefully, or at least be persuaded to do so with cookies or watermelon.

After all lessons have been learned, remember to thank all who attended and helped make it spectacular. So thank you to those who made it, and made it memorable - we love you!


Sir Dizzle Fo' Shizzle said...

Well said.

H-Ette said...

I completely disagree with at least 85% of this post.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things got a little more unraveled since the family bbq which came off like a charm!