Monday, December 21, 2009

It’s hard to be a JOOOOO at Christmas.

For the following reasons.

  • Because, all the non-JOOOOs get to take this week off, which means, us JOOOOO’s who just last week were lighting the Hanukah candles have nothing to celebrate, so we have to be in the office and do all the work everyone else left undone.
  • Because I can’t watch 5 minutes of my favorite TV shows (Jersey Shore) without seeing one of those annoying GAP group rap/dance commercials about buying flannel or socks.
  • Because people keep inviting me to their place for holiday parties and dinners. I just got a wii, I seriously need time at home to bone up on my bowling technique.
  • Because people keep sending junk food to the office and since I’m a chocolate-loving JOOOOO I can’t turn it down.
  • Tourists
Bah Humbug.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Husband Store

A store that sells new husbands has opened in New York City , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates:

You may visit this store ONLY ONCE! There are six floors and the value of the products increase as the shopper ascends the flights. The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor, or may choose to go up to the next floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building!

So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband. On the first floor the sign on the door reads:

Floor 1 - These men Have Jobs

She is intrigued, but continues to the second floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 2 - These men Have Jobs and Love Kids.

That's nice,' she thinks, 'but I want more.'
So she continues upward. The third floor sign reads:

Floor 3 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, and are Extremely Good Looking.

'Wow,' she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and the sign reads:

Floor 4 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Good Looking and Help With Housework.

'Oh, mercy me!' she exclaims, 'I can hardly stand it!'
Still, she goes to the fifth floor and the sign reads

Floor 5 - These men Have Jobs, Love Kids, are Drop-dead Gorgeous, Help with Housework, and Have a Strong Romantic Streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor, where the sign reads:

Floor 6 - You are visitor 31,456,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please. Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store.

To avoid gender bias charges, the store's owner opened a New Wives store just across the street.
The first floor has wives that love sex.

The second floor has wives that love sex and have money and like beer.

The third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors have never been visited

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tips for successful wedding pics

  1. Always get in the middle. Make sure to sandwich yourself between two other people, with your arms wrapped behind them. This is a helpful tool for hiding arm fat. If you have to have your arms down, make sure you are holding something with both hands – a bouquet is helpful, but hold it about 5 inches away from your midsection, that way you create a little tension in the arm – again helpful for arm fat. Don’t hold a glass of champagne (unless it’s during a toast), then you just look like a boozer.
  2. Put the adorable 2-year-old to bed early. That way she won’t steal your thunder in all your pics.
  3. Have a couple tubby bridesmaids. Don’t make the mistake that I did, all my maids and basically all my friends who attended were skinny bitches. You want a couple of big friends to pose with so you look really skinny in comparison.
  4. Watch out for photographers who want you to do that dip/kiss combo a lot. It’s fun in theory, but then you get the whole neck flab issue as you are trying to keep yourself up while your groom is dipping you dangerously low after he’s had a couple drinks.
  5. Also for neck flab, be sure to dip chin out and down just a bit when you are posing, you avoid a whole mess of unsightly neck flab that way.
  6. Make sure your maids swab you down before pics in warm climates. You’d be surprised where you sweat when you’re in a 300 lb dress in the tropics – so part of their job is to take a hanky and dab you whenever and wherever you need.
  7. Spanx
  8. Overhead florescent lighting is bad – soft candle light is good.
  9. Make sure to pull hair in front of shoulders, that way you cover up that little flap of fat between the side of your boobs and arms that gets all pushed up and magnified when you are wearing a strapless dress.
  10. Don’t have someone make a life size cake replica of you out of cake.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

To the crazy lady in the Mercedes SUV

Dear Crazy Lady,

When I was reversing out of my spot, I turned to look behind in all directions before going anywhere. Just because my reverse lights are on, and I inched out of my spot slightly to be able to see around the behemoth Escalades and Suburbans with tinted windows on either side of me, does NOT mean I was going to pull out into oncoming traffic (i.e. you, the only moving car in sight).

Was it really necessary to lay on your horn as if trying to warn a herd of deaf geese? Was it then necessary to do a slow, driveby as you stare relentlessly into my car, STILL laying on your horn no less, as you try to "prove your point?" Was it necessary to come to a COMPLETE STOP behind my car so you could stare into my soul a little longer just to get your point across? The only point you've proven is that you're a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs. That's right, wackadoo lady. Get a grip. Not everyone is a bad driver. Not everyone is gonna bash into your ugly SUV and leave you to drive around in a denter. You need to chill out. Take a chill pill. REEEE-LAX.

Now maybe you're upset because you're one of Tiger's mistresses. For that I'm sorry. You have every right to be angry today. And every day for that matter.

That is all.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Don’t plan your wedding anywhere near the holidays

Just because my whole family flew to Puerto Rico and stayed for a week, bought proper wedding attire and got me extravagant engagement and wedding gifts, they all think they don’t have to go big on Hanukah this year. To that I say, that’s not want G-D wants. The JOOOO G-D wants us to remember the story of the Macabees and how they fought the Romans – don’t really remember why exactly, but he wants us to remember that. And he wants us to commemorate how the JOOOOOOOs had to learn Hebrew with dreidels, betting with gold coins. G-D wants you to give me gold. It’s a mitzah after all. You will feel better about yourself if you get me good gifts for Hanukah. To make it easier for you, I’ve developed a list.

  • HD TV for bedroom (This isn’t something I want, it’s actually something I need, since our current tv just kicked it)
  • Sneakers (This is for gym use, so it’s actually more of a health thing than gift)
  • Designer purse (my Belenciaga that may or may not have been stolen or faked - since I got it from a sketchy web site - lost a grommet, so I need a replacement and since I obviously can’t take it to a Belenciaga store (since it might be hot or fake), I need a replacement)
  • iMac

Thanks guys

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Because what's the holiday season without some Aretha teasing?

I mean, seriously, Aretha, first the spaghetti straps, now this. We need to hold a fashion intervention, stat. What is that part your head is poking through? You kind of look like Kenny from South Park. I'm sure everyone at the Rockefeller tree lighting were just enamored by your wardrobe's nearly as festive as the tree. Honey, the dress ain't that special that you had to show it off (and still manage to keep your neck warm).

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So we know Kvetchette has had a little bit of dust on it, lately -- Ette1 was busy getting married off into the Miller clan, and I've just been...well, busy with life's have-tos and what-nots -- and we fully intend to get back on the horse and bring you the funny. We're just taking a breather, because honestly, none of you are loyal readers anyway, so if you don't care about us why should we care about you?

Well in my time away from the site I guess I hadn't noticed that our one lonely Google ad (that by the way, has netted us no money, so I don't even know why I am doing them any favors putting their name on my blog, we all know Google ain't putting my name on THEIR blog, so...), anyway, our one lonely Google ad featured this brilliant product, above.

Thai Brides? Seriously, Googles? This is the best you can provide me with? Have you wasted ALL the good thumbnail ads on more important people? All the Snuggie ads? I'll even take an old Girls Gone Wild promo! But seriously, Thai Brides?? What about Kvetchette says to Googles computer generated ad-placement, mail order brides from friggin Thailand?


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Parenting 101

Seriously Katie? Is there a reason why your 3-year-old should be wearing high heels? This picture is ridiculous. This shit has got to stop. I'm sick of celebs who complain about paparazzi dressing their kids up for photo ops. I'm talking to you Gwen Stefani and your kid's bleach blonde hair, and to you too Angelina with your kid's mohawks. Are they so unappealing that you need to adorn them with jewelry and edgy hairstyles to make them interesting to others? Guess what, they are rich - they will find friends just fine. Good parents let their kids be ugly and awkward and wait until they are at least 15 before paying for their plastic surgery. Right Mom?!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A new way to make pumpkin pie

Happy Turkey Day, readerettes. Enjoy your families. Our incessant complaining will return shortly.

Friday, November 20, 2009

She's taken, fellas

This past Saturday, Ette1 did what she swore on this very blog that she would never have the chance to do. She was convinced, at times, that she would NEVER get married. That she would NEVER have a husband. That she would be an old maid, a spinster, while ALLLLLL of her friends around her got hitched. We all rolled our eyes at her, told her she was crazy, told her that it would happen to her. But Ette1 is a stubborn gal, and she didn't want to hear it. So she kvetched. To all of you.

And now, my friends, she too is hitched.
So, readerettes, if I were you, I would be mad at her. Because really, she made you all feel sorry for her, like she was an old hag. She made you feel like she would be alone forever. And yet on Saturday, she sashayed down the Puerto Rican aisle as the most beautiful bride you've ever seen and married her best friend. She glowed. She sparkled (not literally, that would be bad - no, she sparkled figuratively). She grinned ear to ear. She looked like a goddess in her hourglass, trumpet-bottomed gown. Her curls in stunning, island ringlets, her lashes long and sexy. She was a vision. Oh, and Pants cleans up well too. ; )

We danced, we celebrated, we did the hora (which felt much more authentic because there were "real" Israelis there), we got our Jew on. We had a BLAST. We ate amazing foods (hello, Lupi's). We spent rainstorms in hot tubs (pretty fun). We swam with jellyfish (not so fun). We played "Who Am I" while drinking margaritas and laughing our faces off (so fun). It was the perfect wedding weekend.

So let Ette1 know how pissed off you are at her that you wasted your worry on a gal that made the most beautiful bride, a gal who had the sweetest ceremony, a gal who married the love of her life. Because really -- we have bigger fish to fry right now. Like the fact that Oprah is only going to be on television for another 365 days or so. Talk about worry...who will tell us how to feel once she's gone??

(Congrats, Ette1 and Pants. I love Jew both!)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lost in translation

מי שמבין את החומר הזה

So as you know I'm a big JOOOOOO, and like most members I have assorted family in Israel. We stay connected via our once a decade visit here or there and now through the luxury of technology facebook. Trouble is because they live in a third world country - them JOOOOOs don't talk English. So when I post pics of my adorable niece or my dad they write comments in Hebrew and like most American JOOOOOOs, Hebrew don't mean shit to me and I can't understand those weird looking symbols they write with. So I have to use some Hebrew to English translator online, which also apparently doesn't understand Hebrew, because here's a snippet of some of their translations, for real.

  • Family stunning charming little
  • Score lovely granddaughter and you good luck Foundation
  • Image stunning lovely granddaughter, Ilan, Biondi brother love miss precious Score
  • Hey Zion I know a liar would not understand why I'm writing you. I see your photos exciting I miss the lovely Alexandra. Tell everyone that hot hot with kisses.
  • How you like my father Score

Friday, November 6, 2009

Calories, shmalories

I don't know about you, but I'm opposed to this whole "nutritional content" divulge we're seeing everywhere. Give me a break, America, will ya? Is it not bad enough that I'm bombarded with ads and directives to work out more, stop eating red meat, quit smoking, work smarter, network faster, make more money, invest that money, live better, wipe my toosh a certain way...that now I'm being assaulted with the reality of how bad everything I eat is.

Seriously...we're going to create a nation of nannypoos if we keep this up. We already force our kids to wear helmets from the second they leave the house until they're hospital tucked into their beds at night. We sprinkle all sorts of weird "supplement" powders into our cereals and pop gingko biloba pills chased with coffee. We friggin wear eskimo boots in NY so our shins don't get frostbitten. Our kids are literally going to be walking around like delicate, Michael Jacksonesque frailties because we put fear into everything we do.

And now, on top of all THAT I have to stress I know that my muffin this morning had 740 calories. Or actually, the muffin I WOULD have had if I didn't see that little bit of info. Instead I had nothing, and suffered the guilt all day of wondering how many calories are in each breath of air I take in.

And if that order of medium french fries is 500 calories. They're f-ing French Fries and they taste good...doesn't that count for something?? I know there are "certain people" in "certain parts of our country" that could benefit from some portion control. But seriously, I don't think this is the way to reach them. These are not exactly the folks reading the little grid of nutritional info on products or menus. Those people don't care. They just want their ho-ho milkshakes and fried Snickers bars.

Tomorrow I'm gonna live dangerously and get that muffin. F you, skinny bitches.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I lost my funny

So all I have to share is this...dead fly art. Enjoy.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I will not relax!

You know what really stresses me out? When wedding vendors say "Relax." I cannot relax sir. My wedding is three weeks away, I have sent you a large deposit for your services, you barely speak english (and I no spanish), and when I ask you things like did you download all the songs I asked for, you respond with phrases like "We have lots of music," or "You don't have to worry, you are working with the best," or "We've done tons of weddings." All of these responses, meant to calm me, actually enrage me. I am a hyper New Yorker who works in event planning. I don't work on island time. I need solid answers like, "yes in fact we went on itunes and downloaded each song to your specifications, I can show you the receipt if you like." So I called him yesterday to get to the bottom of our playlist and it turns out he's on vaca with the fam until two days before our wedding. So seriously, somebody better bring a boombox for backup. Thank goodness I'm having three weddings, so if this one bombs then I can do it again in good ole USA, where nervous yelling and demanding emails actually get you somewhere.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm a winner

You may remember such posts from me as "Sports Sucks" or "Sports is draining the life out of my soul inning by inning and I want to break the TV just so that I don't have to listen to another second of the roar of the crowd or the sneakers squeaking on the court because my ears are bleeding."

But a World Series bid does wonders for a girl's tolerance for the game. When your hometown team wins, you feel like a winner. Same way as when you find out a famous person you really like is Jewish (Zac Efron) or when a Jew wins the nobel prize, all the Jews feel just a little bit better about ourselves, because we're basically related and we're all a part of that special little group. When a bunch of rabbi's are arrested for major corruption in NJ, well then we just decide not to read that article.

But the point is, Philly is awesome, Jews are awesome and I am also awesome. We are winners.
Let's go Phills.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Game over, Ette1

This weekend marked an important milestone in Ette1's life. Her booty-shakin' days officially had their last major, unmarried hurrah on Saturday night, in cheesy, tacky, and altogether PERFECT Atlantic City. If you're gonna go out, go out with a bang, right?!

The girls hit the road Sat morning and everything went off without a hitch. We started the car ride with a few repeat plays of the best song on earth, Don't Be Tardy for the Party by Atlanta Housewife Kim. Pretty much the best song ever written. It took my group about 2 hours and 14 minutes to actually find Lincoln Tunnel and get OUT of NYC...I'm not really sure who's responsible for the detour signs navigating you toward the tunnel, but they should stop smokin' the reefer. We did no fewer than 4 major circles, as if we were sort of in a vortex spiral making our way to the mother ship. I mean, seriously. It shouldn't be that hard to get out of the city. What if there were a nuclear attack? Ette1's bachelor-ette's would be dead. Gonzo.

Once we arrived in AC it was another feat finding the parking garage. We decided to be frugal and self-park, b/c seriously, we're tough, and we can shlep our own overnight bags a few extra feet, right? We self-parked for $5 (could have stayed for 6 months and still would have only paid $5, btw) and then Ette1 led us on a scary, trek through stairwells better left for hookers and homeless people. I think there was actually a hooker and a homeless person making out when we entered the stairwell. (Business is not so good, I guess). Ette1, I hope that Pants has a better sense of directional intuition than you do, and can keep you out of harms way, because a pretty young Jewcy thang like yourself should not be opening dank, urine-stained unmarked doors. Ever.

Finally, we entered the Tropicana.
Oh, glorious Tropicana, where do I begin? Your musty aroma? Your crazy, overweight clientele? Your fake potted plants? Seriously, are a brilliant establishment and we loved every moment of our stay. Ahem. Cough. So without boring you with the gory details...Ette1 was showered with love, penis toys, sexy panties, garters, and champagne. She danced her tuchus. Ette1 felt the empowering, cool metal feel of a stripper pole beneath her virgin palms, as she test drove what it would feel like to be a slut-ette. Granted, she kept her clothes on, but she really enjoyed it because she hopped up there a couple times to show us what was up.

Overall, many lessons were learned throughout the weekend, and I'll share a few of them with you now:

1) Tequila is for SURE the way to go. No hangover. Shot after shot, and we all felt pretty great Sunday morning.

2) Girls from Long Island should not be in Atlantic City. Especially not if they are from "Sigh-ahhh-setttt." They have their own casino, right? They should go to Foxwood's. At least that's what we think after lots of shots of tequila.
3) Crazy people love casinos. And I think casinos thrive off crazy people.
4) Being told by a pedi-cab driver that we could get that t-shirt we're admiring in the window for even less money by "Jewing them down" makes you feel kind of gross. And just reminds us that we're glad we don't live in Atlantic City.
and last but not least...
5) Pants is one lucky man. Because Ette1 is not only one hot mama who knows how to work it on the dance floor; she's a major doll, a funny gal, and a stellar friend.

Love ya girl. One month to go!

Friday, October 9, 2009

A preview of what me and my girls will be looking like on sunday

Roomers, since she's driving

Sissette, she'll prob lock the door so we can't get in to help her

Ette 1 and 2, since we're dancing till we drop

Everyone else

I freaking can't wait

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Let's talk T.P.

Something really bothers me about people and toilet paper. It's not the empty roll I am often met with. It's not the messy overcompensated re-roll of the last user who was too excited apparently and yanked off more than she needed, then tried to reverse the roll, leaving a loose, saggy mess. No, I'm talkin about the backward roller. Toilet paper rolls are meant to be grabbed from the top down -- didn't you know? When someone puts the toilet paper in the roll backwards, and I am made to yank behind the roll, or roll in reverse, it royally f's up my day. It's just plain rude. I once called out an ex boyfriend of mine -- when I was confronted with the incorrectly loaded T.P. roll in his bathroom -- that he had it all wrong. He went into such a state of confusion, and then, in a moment of unfamiliar clarity, realized that what I was saying made complete sense. He later told me (long after our relationship had ended) that every time he changes his T.P. he thinks of me. Sweet. Glad I could help.

So from now on, just remember: load (haha, no pun there) the goods so the end piece rests on top, and can be pulled forward. And I swear, if I go to any of your houses and that crap is the wrong way, I'm unraveling the entire thing and leaving it there, like a cottonelle rug.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I hope you had fun

That's right Pants, I hope you enjoyed your bachelor party this weekend.  It's fine that you don't want to tell me what you did, or who was there or where you went.  It's ok that you didn't answer any of my text messages, and didn't call all night.  I'm not upset that you came home this morning looking like a zombie and went immediately to bed.  It's no biggie that you only got out of bed twice, once to pee and once to drink some gatorade.  It's even fine that you have no explanation for that stain on your shirt.  That's fine.  I hope you enjoyed your special evening.  Because now it's my turn. Whatever you did, I'll do - but worse.  So you better hope  that nothing slips out this week my friend.  I know people, people who know things.  It would be bad for you if any of them happen to let slip any details of your activities. Because then I will be active too.  What's fair is fair.  Watch yo self!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

You got me sick

Dear _______,

So apparently, the health notices and flu safety messages that the business management has wallpapered the bathrooms, cafe, and hallways with went unnoticed by you. Too busy to stop and smell the Purell, huh? Or maybe you thought you were immune? Well you weren't -- as was made evident by your 2 days of in-office hot flashes and sneezes. Well you know what, you may be feeling better now. Yeah, sure - you're feeling like a friggin rockstar. But guess what? I'm sick. I don't feel so hot. And you know why? Because I share air with you every day and you decided it was too important for you to stay and "work" rather than heed the swiney warnings and go home to quarantine yourself.

So here I sit, laid up in bed, sniffly and sort of making those whimpering sounds that are both upsetting and therapeutic...and H-ette is now affected by your stupidity too b/c he's taking care of me, while fearing for his own health and weekend plans. Although I will say, I really feel closer to H-ette when he becomes the caregiver -- it's a role he's VERY good at...the man rubbed my keppy all through The Office tonight and he even drove 20 minutes to get me real Jew Food from the good place. We're talkin' the real deal matzoh balls. That's love. So I guess I can thank you for that, at least. For givin' my hubby an excuse to be my knight in shining knishes.

See you on the other side, sucka. I'm dropping a hit of Nyquil and hitting the hay.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm drawn to train wrecks

I can't turn away. Take The Hills, for example. I managed to steer clear of this particular train wreck for YEARS...I never saw a single episode of Laguna Beach...when all my BFFs were chatty Cathy-ing it up about this Kristen Cavatelli and ragu biatch I was ho hum with my own "intellectually stimulating" shows, like ER. Or Six Feet Under.

But somehow, somewhere along the line, between Lauren's center part and her half head braid looks, I got sucked in.
That's how it happens. It's like ambient noise in the background, and all of a sudden, you catch an interesting song, a diddy you've heard maybe once before but never placed. And here it is, and you're like "what's that song?" so you turn the volume up and pay attention. So while Brody's fightin' with Lauren who's fightin' with Audrina, you're just semi-listening to the banter, just waiting for the chorus to come in. And then, just like that, the crack pipe is put down, and you find yourself rewinding -- going, "did she just say that?" or "she's not seriously hooking up with him..." or "did Heidi really just look to Jesus for guidance regarding Spencer?"

So here I sit, H-ette snoring away in the bedroom, and I'm watching the season premiere of The Hills. And it's D-R-A-M-A fro the get-go, and I love it. I love every minute. I'm loving Bedroom Eyes this season, and even more so, this new Kristin girl is a dream come true for TV. So sweet, that girl. Really. We all need a Kristin in our lives...and a voodoo doll in her likeness.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm sorry too

1) To all the businesses I've dissed on my @westchesterlife twitter acct...I hope that rather than my negative tweets killing your profits, you instead have taken my advice and made some changes to be better at what you do.

2) To the rabbit we killed in the car the other night. We saw you in the middle of the highway, and H-ette didn't slow down, because honestly you were looking right at us and we thought you were gonna hop on outta the way, and you didn't, and then it was too late, and we heard you under our tire, and I cried, and H-ette tried to console me. And I gave you a Twitter eulogy, but I'm still sorry, b/c you were somebunny's baby. Or momma.

3) To Stewpart, my brother's dog, for making jokes at your expense and telling everyone how annoying you are. You just wanna be loved -- even sucky dogs deserve love.

4) To the guy who gave me the shoulder massage at the nail salon the other day. You SO went above and beyond the 1 minute freebie and gave me a full on, 10 minute neck rub. You rocked. And I didn't tip you. My nails were still wet and I had already tipped the manicurist. And quite frankly, I just didn't want to smudge. I apologize. I owe ya one -- not a massage, but maybe a buck or two.

5) To the big G-O-D. I had coffee today. I suck, I know. I don't even have the willpower to starve myself for a freakin' day. I made that coffee and I knew the whole time I was crushing my beans, and filling the pot reservoir that what I was doing was wrong, but I did it anyway. And it tasted really good. Amen.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Yom Kippur is tomorrow, and that's the day when good Jews begin a 24-hour fast and ask for forgiveness from friends and family in the hopes that the big guy upstairs will absolve you and write your name in the book of life for another year. Well I have a pretty big November coming up and it would be best if I were alive for that, so I'm going to try to get all my repenting out of the way early. Here's all my bad deeds and I'm sorry's. Hope you will forgive me.

  • Sorry Bam for planning to leave you with the crazy chihuahua guy who wants you to sleep in his bed
  • Sorry about the whole no tv in barbados thing sisette's nanny
  • Sorry to all the annoying facebook people for calling you annoying
  • Sorry to Ette2 for being a lazy blog partner
  • Sorry to Pants for threatening to leave you if you air horn me, although seriously I will, so think hard about that
  • Sorry friendly Doorman for pretending to listen to music when I walk in the building to avoid talking to you
  • Sorry ass for not bringing you to the gym more like I promised
  • Sorry Megan Fox for pointing out your toe thumbs
  • Sorry book club for basically just skimming the first chapter of the last three books we read and then showing up to the discussion just for snacks
  • Sorry to Project Runway for not watching you now that you are on Lifetime
  • Sorry to the fat guy in the elevator who didn't move even an inch from his spot blocking the entire door when I needed to get out. He doesn't know why I'm apologizing, but let's just say I had some not nice thoughts
  • Sorry for hating cats and Renee Zellweger and Ryan Seacrest

I seriously think that's it. But for safety, I'll say this. I may not be perfect, I may write snarky things that may hurt someone's feelings behind their back - but it also probably makes someone else laugh - so can we just call it even? Thanks and hope you all have an easy fast!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Doggie daycare

So one of the things that's been stressing me out about my impending nuptuals is who the heck is going to look after our beloved pet while we're basking in the sun for our island wedding. Because she's such a pill and all around not-fun-to-be-around kinda dog, we can only leave her with our closest family. That means momette from time to time, but mostly sisette and that's only as payback for all the bbsitting hours I donate to her. So we're in a bit of a quandry. Any friends and family we're close enough to to ask are coming to the wedding. We stopped into several doggy daycare places that told us she'd have to pass a personality test for them to accept her. Well, there's zero shot of that happening, so that's out. We actually had a not so not serious chat about what if we leave her in the apt with a week's worth of food and spread wee wee pads over the entire place. She doesn't really get along with people anyway and prefers her solitude, so this might be a nice little relaxing break for her. We decided those pesky animal cruelty laws might pose a problem there, so that idea's out.

So I've been asking around and this guy in my office heard of a "Chihuahua man" who apparently specializes in the little terrors. So I call him up and can instantly tell he's a freakshow. He has 6-10 chis to his house at a given time, he gives them the run of the apartment. He lets them sleep in his bed with him and he steams veggies and chicken for all their meals. He set up ramps so they can easily access the couch and bed. I can only imagine what his place looks/smells/sounds like. Oy, so I told him all about our special friend and despite what he's heard, she's in. He also suggested that she'll come back to us more socialized and happy.

So we're signed up. I'm not like some mothers who want to interview or even meet the people who will be caring for her children. All I need is a 5-minute crazy phone convo with incesent barking the background and I'm set. I agreed to pay whatever he asked. And we'll see how it goes, if they get along, maybe we'll let him adopt her, as in aka forget to pick her up and then change our numbers.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TV is my God

Sisette dropped off the bb this am so she could go to work early, or go the gym, or just eat breakfast without a 2-year-old putting her fingers in the cereal or something like that. So I babysat for an hour and half while getting my own self ready for work before the nanny showed up to get her. Our time together included making eggies, 45 minutes of trying to get her to eat eggies, bb unscrewing all my makeup tubes and then painting her face and my duvet, cleaning her face and my duvet, individually placing a stack of 100 UNO cards around the living room, yelling at the dog for eating her eggies, picking up 100 UNO cards and then finally, peacefully watching Dora. That’s when the nanny shows up and starts lecturing me about letting the kid watch TV.

Whatevs nanny, maybe in Barbados they don’t have TVs, but here in America we have lots of them, and they are flat screened and they show cartoons with little children with big heads who speak Spanish and carry backpacks. And kids LOVE them. They sing along, they say vamanos and delicioso, they get a little scared when the map pops out of the backpack, but in general they love it and they are freaking mesmerized and best of all they sit still and are quiet. So yes sisette and sisette’s uptight nanny – the bb watches TV at Auntie’s house, you don’t like it then you can find another backup bbsitter.

Friday, September 18, 2009

L'Shana Tova, Readerettes

Just in time for the New Year comes Twitteleh...the Jewish mother's alternative to Twitter.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pretty accurate.

Wife: 'What are you doing?'
Husband: Nothing.
Wife: 'Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.'
Husband: 'I was looking for the expiration date.'


Wife: 'Do you want dinner?'
Husband: 'Sure! What are my choices?'
Wife: 'Yes or no.'


Wife: 'You always carry my photo in your wallet.. Why?'
Hubby: 'When there is a problem, no matter how great, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.'
Wife: 'You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you?'
Hubby: 'Yes! I see your picture and ask myself what other problem can there be greater than this one?'


Girl: 'When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.'
Boy: 'It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or troubles.'
Girl: 'Well that's because we aren't married yet.'


Son: 'Mum, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady.'
Mom: 'Well, you have done the right thing.'
Son: 'But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.'


A newly married man asked his wife, 'Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?'
'Honey,' the woman replied sweetly, 'I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE!'


Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.
The guy replies: 'Thanks for the early warning.'


A wife asked her husband: 'What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?'
He looked at her from head to toe and replied: 'I like your sense of humor!'


A man was sitting reading his papers when his wife hit him round the head with a frying pan.
'What was that for?' the man asked.
The wife replied 'That was for the piece of paper with the name Jenny on it that I found in your pants pocket'.
The man then said 'When I was at the races last week Jenny was the name of the horse I bet on.'
The wife apologized and went on with the housework.
Three days later the man is watching TV when his wife bashes him on the head with an even bigger frying pan, knocking him unconscious. Upon re-gaining consciousness the man asked why she had hit again.
Wife replied. 'Your horse phoned.'

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Some things I'm learning from the new A&E show Hoarders

1) When your floors are completely covered in feces, empty beer and wine bottles, vomit, trash, and food, it's time to get a maid.

2) If you are keeping 32 cats in your home, you should officially be committed like Angelina in Girl, Interrupted. Especially when 12 of those cats are dead and you are still feeding them.

3) Being a hoarding gay man who lives in his own filth and excrement and still manages to have a somewhat normal-seeming, somewhat normal-looking boyfriend means either you are a homosexual anomaly or you have a really big banana.

4) While hubby jokes that I have issues because I get anxiety when our house is messy, I think the alternative - getting anxiety when our house is too clean - is worse. Hubby, you're officially warned..clean is good. Dirt is bad.

5) I need to get off the interwebs and clean my house. Just watching this show is making me feel really, incredibly dirty.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some new, Kvetchette-approved emoticons

Thanks to MIL-ette, for the content...

We call these 'ASSICONS' Here goes:

(_!_) a regular ass

(__!__) a fat ass

(!) a tight ass

(_*_) an ass hole

{_!_} a swishy ass

(_o_) an ass that's been around

(_x_) kiss my ass

(_X_) leave my ass alone

(_zzz_) a tired ass

(_E=mc2_) a smart ass

(_$_) Money coming out of his ass

(_?_) Dumb Ass

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hosting a 'Q

So as I recuperate (still) from the bbq festivities two days ago, I want to share some words of wisdom I've amassed:

1) When your spouse (aka husband - b/c wives aren't guilty of this crime) tells you that he is going to handle EVERYTHING for the event, that means roughly that he will handle 40% of the duties. As in, he'll choose the beer and he'll push the cart at Costco, and he'll man the grill. But when it comes to duties like making sure there's plenty of T.P. for your guests, having all the food/forks/extra wine openers for when the first one breaks/more than one bag of chips, you will be stuck stressing and making lists every time.

2) Telling people to show up at their leisure AND simultaneously asking them to bring a dish means that at 3pm you'll have hot dogs, at 4:30 you'll have pasta salad, at 7pm you'll have salsa, at 7:14 you'll have carrot cake, and at 11pm you'll have special, ridiculous Cuban corn, hot off the grill and served off a platter.

3) When you live in the 'burbs, inviting some neighbors and not others basically puts you on par with Edie from Desperate Housewives. People will now pretend they like me, but they'll be whisperin' and wondering why I didn't invite them to the fest, and probably calling me names under their breath when they see me at the A&P.

4) Pre-BBQ, don't ever tell your guests you are so excited about "catching up" with them. You will have no time for such luxuries, as you will be too busy "hosting" and fetching toilet paper.

5) Try to be smart about your food estimations -- people are only coming to your house for a few hours, not for Armageddon. Be savvy with your menu or you'll be eating burgers and dogs until Yom Kippur. 2011.

6) Interview all dogs and children before invited. Make sure they can coexist peacefully, or at least be persuaded to do so with cookies or watermelon.

After all lessons have been learned, remember to thank all who attended and helped make it spectacular. So thank you to those who made it, and made it memorable - we love you!

Should I get a preemptive divorce because of an air horn?

Pants and I were watching some stupid prank show on MTV in which half of the segments revolve around some mentally challenged person blasting an air horn into another person's ear. Of course the blastee freaks out and screams and then realizes that the person they hang out with is an idiot and kind of a dick. And the blaster on tv laughs and laughs, and then I look over at Pants and he's rolling around on the floor, also laughing uncontrollably. I seriously don't get it. Pants is smart, and successful and generally pretty mature, but there is something about an air horn that brings out the 12-year-old boy in him and it's his dream to get his hands on one. He actually said that all he wants in life is to sneak up on me some time when I'm really concentrating on something and horn me. It makes me reconsider the whole marriage thing. Air horning your wife is like as bad as smashing cake in her face at the wedding. It's like pantsing her in public. It's like the worst thing you can possibly do I think. So Pants this is official warning. I will pre-vorce you so fast you won't know what's coming. And if somehow you do get your hands on a horn and you do get me, I will not only leave you, I will get revenge first. I have your logins buddy. Your facebook picture will be that time you ... I'm so serious. Don't do it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Audio books

I'm a self-professed suburban geek these days, so I might as well publicly humiliate myself some more. I am experiencing my very first audio book -- which I borrowed from my town library. Yeah, that's right. I said library and audio book in the same sentence.

I drive to work, so that gives me a 1/2 hour commute, 2 times a day, in a car with a CD player. What's a girl to do? I can only listen to trashy morning radio for so long before I feel like between my radio show habits, my reality TV habits, and my obsession with teenage vampire books, I'm sort of like the human equivalent of red jello.

So here I am, into my first week of a riveting Nicholas Sparks audio book, and I got a gripe. While I'm really enjoying the new found time management skills I've developed, I've got a bone to pick with 'management' -- Where do you find these narrators? The dude narrating my story is like a high school drama teacher after a scotch and a night of karaoke. It's really distracting and yet I can't turn away. His depiction of what these characters should sound like is bananas. Which got me thinking, how much does this guy get paid to sit in a sound room and read a book out loud into a microphone? And if he can do it, why can't I? Think of all the books that could benefit from my voice, and me from their big, deep pockets. So here's what I'm pitching myself to read for:
  • He's Just Not That Into You...because I would totally insert my own side commentary -- I mean, I'm not naming names, but I've wanted to read this book to many a friend, and here's my chance.
  • Pride & Prejudice...because I've never read it and I know I should, and it's super long which means I'd probably get paid a lot. Sweet.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Darn that Miley Cyrus

She got me loving this song. I normally can't stand the sight (or sound) of her. But when you have cute gay guys dance in unison to a super catchy summer song, well it's irresistible.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Everyone wonders what Victoria's Secret is...

I've figured it out -- with the help of my friend Kim-ette (thanks, girl). Her damn secret is that she makes bras that don't last, so you buy more. Girls with bubbies, we need to unite. This bra strap situ needs to be addressed. When I buy a 34D bra from you, Vikki (ahem, yes, I have no shame sharing my size, it is what it is), I deserve straps that accommodate that. I need enough adjustable room to account for gravity's work over time...not a 1" of wiggle room to tighten and lift. My bubbies have weight to them -- I like to say they are my heaviest asset (and I always account for such when weighing myself...those extra 15 lbs are just my bubbies...I'm really not fat). Thus I need and deserve some extra strappage to tighten my girls in and bring 'em up to where they belong.

So Victoria, now that your secrets been leaked, can you please give a girl some wiggle room with the damn straps? Or else I'm going to have to start attaching my bra straps to my earrings to keep the girls in place, and that's just not a good idea.