Friday, April 10, 2009

A Brilliant Gem I Should Have Thought Of

This is pretty much the smartest thing I've ever heard of. There is now a website where stoned people can go and share their "high times" ideas with everyone on the Internets, and then people go on and judge the ideas. So you can really determine if that invention is worth all your life savings, your bicycle and your kidney.

Like I said, it's the Best. Idea. Ever.

Here are just a couple ideas to get you feeling the vibes:

Doritos POWder

A fine powder of Nacho Cheese Doritos flavoring. You can put it on buttered rice, toast, tortilla, burgers, steak, beacon, veggies, popcorn or Doritos, anything; accept fruity pebbles, but that is another powder, flapjacks, frenchtoast, etc.

mute button for ears

how about making a gadget to totally mute your ears with a single button, no earplugs or anything, could be done with sonic device of some kind

Check it out.

1 comment:

only me said...

Even better - a mute button for other peoples mouths.