Friday, May 1, 2009


A man I know who will go unnamed, but is known for wearing clothing items on his bottom half, spent approximately 4 consecutive hours last night switching between baseball and basketball games on TV.  Yes yes he took short breaks for snacking and some computer time, but the TV stayed on and the good majority of that time his butt was planted to the couch.  As he was getting ready for bed and he caught me eyeballing my guilty pleasure Millionaire Matchmaker, he made some snide comment about how much TV I watch.  Seriously?!  When I pointed out his TV time, he responded by saying he was watching sports - which is different. 

OK boys, lets set this straight.  Sports is TV.  Unless you are on the field with the ball, or running up a court or sweating and not from extra hot pepper sauce you put on your pizza - then you are watching TV.  We can call it reality TV if you like - but it's TV.  It's basically a soap opera for that matter.  Most soap operas have a good guy and a bad guy, one you are really rooting for and one you want to see fail.  And they have some ups and downs and trials and tribulations, but in the end, one always wins and you leave feeling frustrated or pretty darn satisfied.  And next week, they'll do it again.  Sports / Soaps - same thing.  And boys, sports is not more important or urgent than regular TV.  In fact the one good thing about sports is that if you miss it there are news segments and web sites and even a whole other DVR-able show called Sports Center that will tell you what happened during the game, a complete blow by blow, so you don't miss a moment of the action.  We don't have that for regular TV.  If I miss my favorite show I'm shit out of luck.  How come Ramona and Simon hate each other one week and are playing a game of tennis together the next?1  I don't know, because I missed an episode and I may never know.  

Point made, sports not more important that regular TV.   


Mr. Pants said...

Sorry my love, but no points have been awarded and may Hashem have mercy on your soul. Sports, unlike primetime gems like Millionaire Matchmaker, are real events and thus far more important than some fat rich guy trying to date vapid beauties half his age. Why you hatin' on the Sixers, anyway?

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with Mr. Pants... sports are a real-time event that are certainly more important than the transient reality-television shows. Where does the line divide the difference between watching a sports game on TV and actually being at that game? You can't obviously be at a TV show, its not an actual event...

doubly so considering how many people prefer to watch TV shows waaay after they are aired, in order, sans commercials.

Yenta said...

Oy, Ette1...I am SO glad you posted about this. The analogy you make between sports and soaps? SO TRUE. I tell my husband, get your fat ass outside with a baseball glove and play catch with yourself. I've got Millionare Matchmaker, REal Housewives, and Hills to catch up on. Ramona, LC and whoever that crazy yenta is on Matchmaker, they are the true MVP's of the tube.