Here was my day:
Awake at 10:30
Lay on couch till 11:30
Wake Pants up, tell him I'm bored
He gets up, we lay on couch together
Watch TV
1:30, he showers, I start to make breakfast
A frittata (spinach, cheese, turkey sausage) it was the highlight of my day
Pants doesn't like frittatas apparently (He actually says "I like the classics")
2:15 I clean up, Pants leaves for work
2:20 I'm back on the couch
2:21 on: TV
3:45 go pee
3:46-3:52 look really close in mirror, decide hairline should be about 1/4 inch lower
4:00 try to make cauliflower soup
4:15 realize I don't have blender or food processor, try to mash cauliflower, not the same
4:20 clean up cauliflower disaster
4:30 lay on couch
4:31 watch pre-recorded "Say Yes to the Dress"
4:33 decide brides are lame
4:35 talk to sunday buddy, we discuss getting together, but it's raining, no one wants to get up, we decide to talk later after watching Britney documentary
4:50-6:45 take unplanned nap on couch
6:50 drink water, pee
7:10-8:00 Brief moment of creativity strikes, enjoy arts and crafts
8:12 Heat up old spaghetti
8:15 Eat pasta on couch in front of TV
8:45-9:15 Rest eyes while laying on couch
10:00-11:10 BRITNEY
11:15 shower
11:30 Pants comes home
12:00-Now Sports center, tired, going to bed
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