Sunday, November 30, 2008

Great Success!

So after all the worrying, Thanks-Doing was pulled off with hardly a hitch. Food, folks and fun - it was a great day. Everyone seemed to like the new digs...the dining room seats 18...I didn't burn the turkey (or forget about it altogether)...however, I also didn't "prep" it, so I guess I can't take all the credit. As the former veggemite that I am, I took one look at my naked, 31 lb bird and went into a nervous fit of laughter. At 7:00 in the morning. "I'm not sure I can do it," I told H-ette. He wasn't much more help, having just shlepped the turkey into the sink and cut off the plastic from it, he recoiled at the sheer, raw nakedness of the monster bird, and wished me luck. So thank goodness for sis-ette. I woke her up, and within 2 minutes, sleepy eyed and pre-OJ, she rolled up her sleeves and went to work, her arm up to her elbow inside my bird's carcass. It wasn't a pretty sight, but she managed to extract all the important bits, stuff back in other important bits, and then sew that bird back up - but not before separating its skin from it's body and slathering the sucker in an herb butter rub. I'm telling you, TGFS, b/c otherwise we would have been ordering from Boston Market. No joke.

So on our turkey day, we gave thanks for lowering gas prices. We gave thanks for Obama (most of us, at least). We gave thanks for cauliflower soup. We gave thanks for things like goat cheese. And good wine. And coffee spiked with Baileys. But mostly, we gave thanks for each other - b/c we're extremely f-ing lucky to have such a cool family.
Happy happy everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a fantastic day!
Next year when EVERYONE in the family shows up I'll help prepare the 40lb turkey!
Ette2 Rocks!!!!!!!!!