I may have to consider a new job at Hooters. Seriously. I had a bad day today, and when one has a bad day in corporate America, redemption has always been found in the Job Search. You know, logging on at work (just because you are feeling vengeful and daring) to the mediabistro's and careerbuilder.com's of the Internets and seeing just how many opportunities lie elsewhere - personally, it's always made me feel like I have options - and when you have a particularly sucky day, and you feel like you want to "Office Space" your computer as well as your boss, I like to log on and daydream about where I would be more appreciated, and certainly compensated better.
But the economy is in the shitter. And what that means is, when I type in "copywriter" to the search field, I get about 3 lonely job listings - 2 of which are in Pharma industry and who the hell wants to write about pharmaceuticals...I'd rather test them out. (ooh, maybe the copywriter's have to try all the drugs before they write about them...maybe I should reconsider.) Anyway, point is, the posts are basically the three loser jobs no one wants anymore, and they all were posted over 30 days ago, because anyone who's anyone knows that pretty much everyone is in a hiring freeze...so technically, those three jobs are more like ZERO.
So basically, I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to remain a slave to home fashion and take shit from people who don't know half as much as I do. I will continue to visit the awful cafe every day, the one that stops serving breakfast and coffee at 9:30am. (um, seriously?? I don't even get to work until then.)
Anyway, if anyone wants to hire me, I'm entertaining all offers. I can make shitty things sound really fabulous, and make boring things sound really really fun. I would also entertain unique job offers, because who am I to discriminate? Ette1 could even hire me as her wedding planner. I'd rock that...so let me know if you're interested...I'm totally worth the high price tag.
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