Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Complaint round up

Having a cranky day so lots of stuff is bothering me.

I won’t go into great detail, but here’s a listing:

  • What’s with Beyonce calling herself Sasha Fierce?! Isn’t Beyonce a dumb enough name on its own? Also, putting Fierce in your name, automatically makes you not fierce. And why are we allowing her to just have an alter-ego? What does that even mean?

  • How about Paris hooking up with her ex Starvos whats-his-face. I was so getting sick of her being in a happy relationship – that’s not paris, paris is a skanky ho that always gets herself in trouble and is good for us to make fun of. I will look forward to her upcoming breakup news.

  • The puppies got a bigger bed, but they still just sleep all day.

  • Do you ever wonder why we keep hearing about all these legit magazines closing and cutting tons of staff, but titles like “Big Booty Babes” continue to strive? Strange right, who’s subscribing to those?

  • I’m having my performance review tomorrow and although I usually always get straight A’s (or the office equivalent) I feel like this time might be different. Through no fault of my own. My stupid clients are mean and stupid, but that’s not my fault, I shouldn’t be penalized.
  • I'm trying to insure my ring, but no one will cover the thing without a full policy for the apartment, doubling the cost. But I don't want to pay for insurance for my sublet. I have a doorman so nothing is going to be stolen and anyway if someone broke in then my dog would bark them to death. Annoying.

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