Thursday, November 13, 2008

Are you watching this live puppy feed? It's like crack - without ending up looking like Whitney

Check it out, it's a live feed of puppies.  That's it, it's puppies sleeping.  Puppies licking themselves, puppies shifting position, puppies yawning, puppies cuddling, but mostly puppies sleeping - and it's the cutest freaking thing I've ever seen.  And I can't take my eyes off of them.  

Here's what my day was like today:
9:30 get to work
9:45 enjoy breakfast - cheesy egg sammy
10:15 check out cnn, read personal emails
10:45 read a couple work emails
11:00 watch puppies sleep
12:00 take a work-related phone call
12:03 research wedding venues
12:55 watch puppies
2:30 meeting
3:30 watch puppies, aw one just rolled over 
4:00 research wedding dresses
5:00 watch puppies, ooh one got up
5:45 write work email
6:00 leave for shrink appointment, talk about engagement

A week ago it would have melted my cold, hard heart, but obviously since I am now Mrs. Pants to-be, I'm all about the love and adorable displays of affection.  In fact I can't even rely on my old cynical, miserable, normal crankiness to complain about stuff for the blog.  So sorry to tell you, for a while it's going to be about puppies and rainbows and wedding shit.  And if you don't like it, then you can suck it, cause I'm happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... so blessed to be the man to put that smile on your face