While Ette1 had a hellicious time getting her vote heard, I, on the other hand, would like to share the experience I had. Let's call this little ditty City vs. Suburbs:
5:00. Leave work. Ah, the glorious, consistent life of a copywriter.
5:25 Enter A&P. Glorious, enormous, grocery store of suburbia. Pick up Cheeseburger Hamburger Helper, ground beef and Challah for requested-by-H-Ette White Trash Shabbat dinner (even though it's only Tuesday, we thought a nice Americana dinner would be in order for Election Day, and what's more Americana than some trans fat Hamburger Helper dinner??)
5:45 Stop at new house to see progress by Alejandro the hardworking Mexican and H-ette and Father-in-law-Ette. Yay! Dining room walls looking good. All is well.
6:15 Arrive back in the vicinity of In-law-ettes, where myself and H-ette are registered to vote. Pull into parking spot 5 feet from front door of Clubhouse, where polling will take place. Excitement ensues.
6:16 Walk into clubhouse/polling location. See that place is empty, short of 3 volunteers - 2 old biddies and a middle age man, who are all digging into their pizza dinner. Slight 15 second delay as the three volunteers make eye contact to determine who is going to step it up and take care of us voters - decision is quickly rendered. Man licks fingers to be able to turn pages of his registered voter list. Asks our names, does not ask for ID, finds them within seconds, smiles and tells us to go ahead and vote.
6:18 I close the curtain and BARACK THE VOTE.
6:21 I am home, changing into my comfy clothes, so I can start cooking cheezy Hamburger Helper dinner.
6:23 Pour glass of wine.
6:45 Dinner is served.
7:00 Turn on election coverage, as I chomp on Challah balls. Mmmm.
My vote? Move to the 'burbs, One...life is as easy as pizza pie.
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