Monday, June 15, 2009

What's up with dust?

I don't really understand...I clean CONSTANTLY. I am forever wiping surfaces down and yet dust seems to take over, every little crevice, every surface it can latch it's fuzzy little self to. I know it's kind of gross, but most of dust is dead skin and pet dander. So I guess a better question is, do H-ette and I shed more skin than normal people? Why is it that most houses I walk into are completely dust-less, their surfaces gleaming and glossy as if nary a dust particle has ever settled onto the furnishings? Yet, as I am wiping down my dresser with Pledge and a special rag I paid $9.95 for because it swears it eliminates dust -- just as soon as I've wiped the dang surface -- I can watch the f-ing dust settling back down onto it. If my dust could talk it would probably tell me to exfoliate more. So instead, dust puts me in a bad mood, b/c I really hate seeing my own skin settled on my jewelry box - there's something so...just not right about that. And then my bad mood puts H-ette in a bad mood b/c I can't possibly tell him I'm in a bad mood over dust, because I would surely look completely insane for letting an inanimate nuisance like dead skin ruin my I just get bitchy. And then he gets moody, b/c he doesn't know what's wrong, and then next thing you know, we're arguing with each other and it all started over my dead skin.

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