Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yes, they are serious

This company is really on to something. Urns in the style of the dearly departed -- literally. For $2600 -- a pittance, really -- they'll jack you up into some super-plastic rendering with the top of your skull as a pop off lid.

H-ette, when I die, I want my big blue peepers staring you down from the mantle, for the rest of your life. Set me right on top of the PS3, so every time you go to turn that sucker on, you'll be reminded of my disdain for the machine. Or, put me in the refridge for a fun "scare" late night when you go get some wettums.


H-Ette said...

This may be the scariest post I have ever read.

dirty frank said...

The real question is can they handle my lower half.

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