Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ahh, the things we take for granted

I've always had a fairly fast metabolism. In fact, when I was a young, sprightly teen, my father had a 'sit down' with me, PBS-after-school-special style, to ask if I had an eating disorder, because just as dinner was ending every night, I would head off to the looky-loo to do my business, and well, daddy-O thought I was possibly throwing up in there. Gross. Funny thing is, my body has always been relatively quick at digesting..just as I'm finishing up a meal it's ready to come out. Sort of like a paper shredder. Shovel it in one end and just as quickly it spits out the other end.

Alas, that trait of mine came to a sudden halt this last week, as my body decided to reject the notion of "easy come, easy go." Instead, it's decided to teach me a lesson - one of weight gain and bloat and very bad stomach aches. I'll save you the treacherous details, but lets just say no children have been to the pool this week. It could be the chilly temps, sure, but I'm convinced there's another culprit. I'm convinced I have a tapeworm, or some equally tragic leech inside of me, feeding off my intake and growing to massive proportions. So if this is my last week of life on earth, and this tapeworm ends up eating me alive, I love you all, and am grateful for our time together.

Lesson here? Don't take your #2's for granted, readerettes. They are all that stand between you and fat-hood, so merge into the fast lane and drop one for me, would ya?

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