Monday, October 6, 2008

Wacky, tacky or true?

...or all three? You are in a wedding party. You take part in all the year-long pre-wedding festivities, included but not limited to: engagement party, dress fittings, envelope stuffings, bridal shower, bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner, pedicure party, yada yada yaaaaaada. You put your best face (and manicured feet) give a generous gift because that's how you roll.

And in return what do you get? How about a pre-printed, Kodak gallery postcard with the words "Thank You" emblazoned in some rich text font. Not even a signature from the happy bride and groom, something you could sell on eBay if they ever became famous. Not even your name penned in ink across the top. Nothing that differentiates this photo card stock card from any other pre-printed web order. In fact, the envelope doesn't even have your name and address handwritten out - that too, I'm afraid, came off an address label sheet.

Wow. Wow, wow, wow.

Emily Post not only just turned over in her grave, but she is clawing her hollowed eye sockets out with the remnants of her bony, disintegrating fingers.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god, you are kidding me. She might as well have asked her guests to self address them..that is the tackiest thing I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Ladies Always Understand Right Away that such tacky behavior belies a tacky and classless sender.

Anonymous said...

Martha Stewart is in the hospital. Upon reading this post, she choked on her lunchtime croque Monseur and thankfully, someone called 911.