Friday, January 30, 2009


This has been a nasty week all around. We lost Domino magazine. OK magazine. Starbuck's is even closing up a load of shops (if you mess with my neighborhood one I'll come after you, Starbuck's execs). Even more friends losing jobs. Tonight is about lots of tequila shots to numb it all and ring in the weekend. Those of you without vices, you scare me. I don't trust you. I generally don't trust people who don't drink - I don't know why, it just bothers me.

And while we're on it, you know what else bothers the hell out of me? Ashley Madison. I just read that this Ashley Madison TV spot will run in several cities during the Superbowl. This, readerettes, is apparently what our country and our culture has come to. Bad stock market decisions, unemployment, exploding gas and food prices, a dying economy, but just know, through all the hardship, you can cheat on your spouse through a "reputable" dating service.

Happy Fridays.

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