Thursday, January 1, 2009

The best part of my New Years eve

New Year's started out slow for me, sadly 2 was too ill to partay so I had to make alternate plans.
And in all it turned out well.

Great din with sisette and bro-in-law and good friends.
Held six-week-old adorableness
Had a NY kiss and first dance in '09 with the love of my life
Watched fireworks on the rooftop

But the best part was my girl Kathy on CNN. And I'm not just talking about the nightlong banter with Andy. The freaking best part of 2008 came when there was just about 15 minutes left to the broadcast. They were about to head to commercial, one more segment to show the celebration in Chicago before we say goodnight. The whole show was pretty tame, no major controversy, no big gaffs. Until...

Kathy is heckled by a random Times Square reveler and she responds. Let me say, thank you to YouTube, for allowing us to relive this moment together.

Notice how they cut her mike immediately after. After a super-long commercial break, they cut to a performance by some lame-o band, then Andy wraps it up. This, sadly, may have been our last CNN NY's with the lady. Thank goodness our blog will live on so that we may enjoy this year after year - or until we basically get too busy or bored to deal with it.

Happy 2009 Bitches!!!!!

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