On to the reason why we were there. Unlimited salad and breadsticks - duh. OG has changed up their policy however. They no longer bring out your breadsticks upon being seated. No, they wait for you to actually order entrees before they give up the goods. I guess the OG has a history of clientele who "breadsticks-and-bounce." Shocking.
The OG also now dedicates a page of its menu to the "nutritional" information for all its items. Which is kind of funny, really, because there's nothing nutritional about the OG. H-ette was considering ordering the "Tour of Italy" entree until I pointed out to him that it was 1,650 calories - sans breadsticks, salad, wine, dessert. Holy shit.
All that aside, dinner was surprisingly tasty. Loads of breadsticks were consumed, followed by tasty pastas and breaded meats and then gooey desserts that we definitely had no right eating at that point.
Ette1's Abba made a surprise appearance and graciously picked up the tab for the whole affair. He's a good man, that Israeli.
The evening was followed up with a visit to 1 and Pants' fancy hotel suite, where yours truly was mistaken for an actress and photographed out front by a sweet old papz. (Sorry, sweet lady, I lied to you when you asked me if I was that "young actress" and said yes...and then I posed with H-ette giving you a solid three angles, and really working your camera. I hope you didn't try to sell my picture to any paper, because I am not famous, and it only would have embarrassed us both.)
All in all, it was a great night. 1, I'll go to the Olive Garden with you any time. I suggest we wait until after your wedding, however, so you fit into your dress - I wouldn't want to be responsible for that - so we'll wait to become OG regulars until, you know, you become a 'wife' and you can let yourself go because it doesn't matter anymore.
JK, Pants.