Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Eight kids - at once?!

Enough already people. I am so over this having multiples bullshit. Everyone is doing it. I take partial responsibility because I love Jon & Kate + 8 so much and write about it here. Suddenly it’s a trend and everyone’s like, well Ette 1 thinks it’s cool, maybe I’ll do that too. Well knock it off.

The thing that gets me is that it’s those religious freaks that end up having 15 at once. They are too moral to cut down the litter at the early stages, something about it being god’s will that have a baseball team. But for some reason they weren’t so trusting of god’s will back when they were barren, before they decided to go for in vitro.

The problem is J&K made it look too good, tv show, all-expenses-paid trips, free plastic surgery, etc. But heellllooooo don’t they see the difference? Adorable Asian babies! I hope this new family of 10 is Chinese, or Japanese, or Korean or even Pilipino or something. They make cute babies. And people want to watch them on tv. They better not be a regular, loser white family, you can forget about it.

And Pants and I are out of luck too. If the “Gene Machine” from Dave & Busters is any indication, our kid is going to look something like that old guy from Nothing But Trouble. Remember that movie with Demi Moore – good stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

poo, poo, poo, g-d forbid!
