Monday, August 11, 2008

Holiday on Lake George

So the surprise trip, for those of you who were wondering, was to Lake George - or as we say Lake Jorge. Here are the high and low-lights:
  • Reststop Burger Kings are far superior to normal Burger Kings, and they give you free hats.
  • The commericals lie, it is not a three-hour drive from New York, it is a five and half hour ride, behind stupid slow drivers, and traffic jams for no good reason, and road construction and pouring rain.
  • In the Adirondacks you actually experience fresh air. It's a concept that is not familiar to most new yorkers, but it's actually pretty nice. It's a mix of pine tree scent with campfires.
  • The Adirondacks, or specifically Lake George, is also the mini-golf capital of the world.
  • Hot Tubs are gross - you know that icky foam that it creates around the edges of the tub - I swear it's made of dead skin cells and body lice. I lasted 4 minutes in the tub before I had to jump in the shower to scrub my entire body with a pumice stone.
  • Little known fact - mosquitoes live in forests - when people enter forests, people get attacked by mosquitoes.
  • Pants is not a good car driving partner - when he's not making you listen to punk rock, he's sleeping.
  • Pants is a good boat driving partner - luckily there was no music on the lake, expect for when I tried to sing the Miami Vice theme song on our little power boat.
  • Canadians talk funny


leezee52 said...

You're sooo funny!
Enjoying your blog alot!

Lee :)

Anonymous said...

I like Pants, but I have no need for them/him. I go au naturale!!! I'm a free-baller. I roll Commando style.

Lake George... isn't that where Baby was put in a corner?