So Ette1 up and left for Tahoe on holiday. You know, it's ironic really, that the girl kvetches a few short days ago about all the extra work falling on her shoulders - all the girls she gets to be bitchy to and delegate her work load to just up and go on vacation, and then POOF - just like that she calls me like a roamer in the night (be advised I will come back to this phrase in a future post) breathy and excited as she heads off to the airport for her week's vacay, throwing in at the end a 'thanks for taking care of the blog while I'm gone.' But you see, the funny thing is, she didn't run this by me before hand. In any normal work environment, she would have told me in advance that she'd be off for some fun in the sun and would I mind bitching on both our behalves while she was gone. I mean, really. When I went on honeymoon, I showered her with praise for all her hard knocked kvetches. I emailed her from Hawaii with positive reinforcement for her three weeks of double duty. Is it too much to ask for a little love back? I don't have minions I can delegate work to (except for husbandette, and at times in-law-ettes who are retired and like to stay busy, but even then it's not important delegating - it's mundane things like picking up dog food. Or dog poop) so it all falls on my pale, fragile shoulders.
If you haven't yet figured it out, ya'll are stuck with me for the week. So those of you 1-lovers, the ones who are blatantly members of only her fan club (and you know who you are), don't say I didn't warn you. However I put it out there that you are free to laugh and comment my posts as well - I promise, your secret is safe with me.
Happy Friday, suckas.
If you haven't yet figured it out, ya'll are stuck with me for the week. So those of you 1-lovers, the ones who are blatantly members of only her fan club (and you know who you are), don't say I didn't warn you. However I put it out there that you are free to laugh and comment my posts as well - I promise, your secret is safe with me.
Happy Friday, suckas.
Ette1 is way too self absorbed anyway, maybe she'll never come back!
Ette2 for V.P.!
Why does Ette1 appear to be caught within a temporal displacement field here? Is she visiting Lake Tahoe or has she beamed into another dimension?
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