Thursday, November 15, 2007

OMG 1000 visitors

I can't believe what I just saw, but looks like we hit 1,001 visitors since launch and this is our 101st post!

I'm giving myself $1,001 Schrut Bucks in congratulations.

Firstly I can't believe the six of you who actually read this thing keep coming back for more. And honestly I can't believe that we haven't bored of writing it yet. It does sort of say something sad about our lives that we're so lacking in social activity that we have time to update this thing all the time. We'll really just me, since 2 is away honeymooning and not updating. Oh well none-the-less, thank you for reading and commenting. Please keep coming back, you make our little site and my life worthwhile. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

as one of the six (although i know there's more)...i say kudos funny girls and keep up the good work!!

Anonymous said...

Well, you know what I always say..."If you need to carry something with you, why not use a bag!"