Sunday, November 18, 2007

Plastic Surgery Face

Plastic surgery is a good thing. I'm glad we have the option to tweak a nose here or lift a boob there, but some people take it too far. Namely everyone shopping in Bloomingdales today. It's bizarre to walk around and see these women who are basically decrpid with their big plumped lips and tits that stand straight up. They have long blonde extensions in their hair, but they always look like they've been in far too long. They weight 15 pounds and are wearing 5 inch stilletos. Their eyes are little slits because they've been pulled so tight and their noses could act as envelope openers they are so sharp. They are always shopping in the Juicy section and they are usually with some way younger, hotter version of themselves. We all get the desire to remain young and look your best, but these women are like those aliens everyone describes seeing with the big round smooth face and wide lips - just with a Dolly Parton wig on. I was so startled by one of these women as she sifted through the new stock of seven jeans that I almost dropped my 40 carrots yogurt on her tory burch flats. EW, ladies, let's please try to age gracefully.

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