Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Polaroid Mania

So it's official. Polaroid is ceasing production on instant film. A vital piece of our culture, a riproaring good party pal, an iconic American product that has offered us decades of immeasurable fun, the Polaroid will soon be a cult classic and a collectible piece of history.

What was the Polaroid camera good for?
  1. Taking nudie or dirty pics, as there is no shame in turning in your film for processing, risking exposing your private bits to a pervy 17-year old film processor at the PhotoMart.
  2. Captions, captions, captions. Every good photo deserves a caption, and the white strip on the Polaroid film was perfect for sharing what Aunt Gladys was really drinking in that mug of hers.
  3. Nostalgia!
  4. Polaroids always make things a tad bit fuzzy - always good for pretending you are an avant-garde photographer whose vision is blurred and at the same time innovative and modern.

I am about to get on Ebay and buy as much film as I can horde (or afford - it ain't cheap) so that 20 years from now I can charge exorbitant amounts for unopened film at flea markets and make a cool buck or two on my advanced thinking ingenuity. Or I'll just take a ton of nude pics of myself. I'll be old in 20 years, but the pics will be blurry anyway so who cares.

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