Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Et tu, Ette3?

OK, everyone give me a freaking break. I don't know how this site became a public forum for you all to criticize me everyday, but that's not how this is going to work - it's the other way around! And why am I the only one who is getting shit - Ette2 posts about her dog and husband and stuff?!

For the record, I'm doing the best I can. I am not a trained comedian, I just happen to be naturally funny and enjoy complaining. But I basically go to work, then hang out with my niece and then my boyfriend, so sorry but that's where my material is coming from. If you'd like to sponsor a trip or interesting activities to help widen my focus, then you are more than welcome, otherwise, BACK OFF BITCHES.


Anonymous said...

Ette1, you're taking this completely the wrong way. As commentors, we look for a post that has a lot of material that we can make fun of so we can feel better about ourselves. While mr. meanie, dr. feelgood and anonymous probably won't admit it, they look forward to reading about your adventures with your significant others.

Anonymous said...

I think ette1 is just overly sensitive. We all just want her to go back to the good ole' days when she pointed out enlightening and whimsical stuff on the internets and beyond.

No one wants to read about the boring every day life stuff, her life really isn't all the interesting.

Sure, I like a "this shoes are so freakin fab" post as much as the next guy, but there's only so much any testicle swinging guy can take.

Talk more about hooking up with chicks, or wanting to hook up with other chicks or seeing a movie about chicks with chicks on skinemax.. you get the idea.