Now Pants is on a crappy evening schedule, working 3-11 which really means 12 which means he gets home close to 1. Which means I have a lot of free time on my hands now. The upside is I get to watch all my favorite reality shows sans interruption by stupid sporting events. But there’s something about your loved one whining about needing the remote control and shoving you off the little space left on the coach that touches your heart that will be missed. And the worst part, stupid new bosses refuse to allow time off for important pre-planned trips to
More money to buy me stuff and pay for dinners
Less free time to cook me dinners and clean the apartment
Health and life insurance
We’re not married, so I don’t benefit from either
He shaves more often now so I don’t have to kiss a scratchy face
He leaves his whiskers in the sink crudding it all up and leaving it for me to clean
His own personal satisfaction or whatever
My own personal boredom
I say the cons have it, quit your job Pants and just be my houseman, we won’t be able to afford food and rent and stuff, but at least we’ll have each other.
I'm going to premptivley agree with the resident duesche that always rags on you. This is more sap than is called for and I berate you for it! Oh, and you're a JAP. Where my duesche at?
Fine -- you win. Just gave my two weeks notice. Tahoe here we come!
Even I have to agree that ette1 seems a bit lost these days. With all this free time, you would think she might come up with some brilliant material. This is starting to seem somewhat like a reality-blog, much to the faithful readers' dismay.
Boy you guys are a tough crowd. Quit your whining (which is nothing like the art of kvetching) and get over yourselves. Some of us like reading about pants and swinger encounters of a third kind!
What, no Tahoe?
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