Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Gassy Ass

Why do men have so much gas? If you technically are eating about the same things I am from the food triangle (and elsewhere) then explain to me why your body combusts:

  • after each meal
  • before each bedtime as we crawl into our freshly made bed
  • when you pick up the remote control
  • when we are in the car and you lock the windows so we can't breathe
  • at dinner while you are still actually consuming food culprit
  • in the shower, which immediately resonates into the steam and creates a gas sauna
  • when we are on the phone with our grandparents
  • when we are in the company of our grandparents
  • in the pool, so you can see fart bubbles
  • after sexy time
  • when there's company over
  • right after the dog farts. it's like you are in sync with the pet.
  • in virtually any public place, but mostly in public scenarios where you are supposed to be quiet. Like museums. And libraries.
  • right after you come out of the shitter, where you've been perched for the last 2 hours - DIDN'T YOU GET IT ALL OUT THEN?!

And for the record, boys... EACH of your BRANDs stink.


Anonymous said...

very cute, but how does daddy feel about this? Perhaps its 'cause mommy's special salad is tooooooo tasty. Or shall I simply say,


Anonymous said...

so what does "fawn" say about all this? my peeps have been enjoying your pics and prose. see ya real soon, I'm shur