Last week Ette1 shared her gym locker room experience with us, naked nipples and all. She mentioned all the VJ's that were out on full frontal fashion.
Today, Oprah shared a great late-afternoon convo with her inquiring audience regarding such subjects as douching, Brazilian waxing, peeing when you laugh and basically all questionable issues regarding the vagina; of which she called the "Vah JayJay." Coincidence? I think not. The vagina is making a comeback, apparently. 2008 may very well be the Year of the Hoo Hoo.
A penis is a penis as far as most people are concerned. But why and how did the vagina take on so many monikers?
What do YOU call the nether-region? Do you prefer VJ, or hoo hoo, or does Oprah's terminology fit your bill? Or do you have your own unique fave?
Add your favorite in the Comments section. Inquiring Ettes want to know...
Being an Adam Sandler fan, I refer to mine as "Cooter" McGavin, an ode to Sandler's antagonist in Happy Gilmore. Others include "my Britney" and "the purple Penis Eater."
As Jon Stewart said: "It's this island of mystery, shrouded in shrubbery, wtf is in there? nobody knows. It's all these parts, lip, hood, zipper....."
"Vahoo"... a cross between "Va-jay" (Grey's Anatomy) and Hoo-ha (not sure who to give credit). If you ask me, "Vahoo" sounds lady like and fresh.
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