Valentimes is not a word. If you want to talk about, take part in or wallow in the stupid Hallmark holiday, at least say it correctly. It's Valentine's.
Vokka. When ordering this beverage at the bar, it would be nice if you could actually pronounce it. It's not complex like Vueve Cliquot. It's a very simple word, really. Vod-ka. Unless of course you are too inebriated to actually pronounce it in which case maybe you should eliminate the vokka and just drink a red bull.
"In actuality." This really gets Ette1's goat. It's technically grammatically correct to say this, however my experience is that it is used by dummies. It is much simpler and much more fair to the English language to simply say, "actually." So when you are trying to explain to me why you were late to meet me and thus left me at the bar alone for 54 minutes with the drunkard who tried to spike my drink, don't come in talking about "In actuality, it's day light savings and you should have turned your clock forward an hour; so I am 6 minutes early." I'll beat you down with my martini glass.
Very valid. Hmmm. Is it really very valid? Or is it simply valid? I was under the impression that it was either valid or it was not; Like your coupon for a free dozen donuts. It's valid between the hours of 6am and 10am. It doesn't make it very valid at 8am.
Jutebox. It's a jukebox.
Libary. If you are talkin' about it, heading to it, borrowing something from it, learn how to say it.
Expresso. It's not express-o. It may give you a quick jolt. It may send you in to next week with caffeine. It's esssssssssspresssssssss-o.
Internets. I almost didn't add this to the list because it's one of Kvetchette's personal faves. We will continue to support this Bush-ism, but we just wanted to shout it out in case anyone uses this in any other format other than jest.
Supposably. 'Nuff said.
Hmmm...I really thought it was expresso. Fortunatley you have no idea who I am thanks to my clever nickname!!!
you forgot irregardless. that's a real goodie.
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