So 1 decided to put her best culinary face forward and host a little Rosh Hashanah din last night. She scooped up sisette and bro-in-law-ette and of course Angel Baby, and Lawyerette and her husband, who apparently is referred to as big headette. And friendette who is going on a date with a Blew (black Jew) and of course H-ette and yours truly. It was a great night of food, folks and fun. Between 1's fantastic brisket and multiple potato choices (there were three) as well as homemade matzo ball soup (that's how she "rolls") and the intense political banter, I think we managed to eke in a blessing over wine somewhere or other, before the bottles were sucked dry. But, while none of us ended up in $250/seat synogogue services today (available through Ticketmaster), we did it up proper, kvetching about Jewish McCain supporters and of course thinking of reasons we should participate in the Great Schlep even though none of us have Bubby's in Florida.
Anyway, today is a new day...a New Year, actually...between the political train wreck and the financial world joker-fest, who knows what each new day holds for us anymore - it's anyone's game...go enjoy your day off and your family. Happy Challadays, readerettes. We glove Jew. Amen.
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