Thursday, September 4, 2008

Let's talk about what's wrong with her

  1. Never been outside the US - um yeah, no problem for her to basically run the free world, Detroit is like Beruit right? When McCain was asked if he thinks she's ready to be president he said "100% yes - plus Obama has never even been to South America!" So what's the point he's making there - you don't have to be world-savvy to be president or you should be - because apparently Obama isn't ready to lead...
  2. Her kids names: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig - that's right Trig - like your most hated math subject.
  3. Her special needs child especially needed a crib last night, cause it was mighnight and they were still bouncing this poor baby around on stage.
  4. Palin is governor of Alaska, our least important state.
  5. The whole being investigated for corruption thing.
  6. She's CRAZY
  7. She admits to smoking pot but claims she didn't enjoy it - Um LIAR - everyone enjoys it that's why they make it illegal like all the other good drugs.
Please vote Obama


Anonymous said...

good job on not being totally offensive, ette1 - i know you were dying to. i was enjoying the real commentary in my head.

Anonymous said...

You have to admit, though, she's a friggin' SPITFIRE! I am really looking forward to the VP debates...there *are* VP debates, right?