Monday, September 29, 2008

Road Trippin'

So maybe you have a Bubby in Florida. Maybe you don't...but humor me - today you do. You don't get to see very much of her, mostly because Florida is one of those weird places that's too far away and it kind of seems like a waste of a vacation to go there when for the same amount of money and air travel time you can be in the Caribbean, and well, that sounds so much more interesting and hot and the drinks are probably better (if you like pina coladas...). But Bubby is still in Florida and she kvetches about everything when you talk to her, mostly because she wants to use her powers of Jew Guilt to get you to come down to the Miami retirement community and play shuffleboard so she can show you off to her Canasta pals, how pretty you are, how successful, look what expensive shoes you know the deal. Bragging rights are a birthright down in the promised land of Florida.

As if you needed a reason, here's a damn good one. Obama needs that Florida vote like Sarah Palin needs half a brain. So get your powers of persuasion on, and get down there and bribe some old Jews to get out there and vote Obama. Do it. Do it for your country. Do it for the Jews.

Check out Sarah Silverman's Great Schlep message above. It rawks.

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