Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Why aren't there any freaking good holidays in June?!

Here's a little tip about myself, when I decide I want something its all I can think about. My little brain pushes every other life issue aside so that it may concentrate on the task at hand, figuring out how I can get what I want. Friends and family can attest to the fact. (Though please don't do so in the comment section, I don't need to hear from the peanut gallery about how single minded I can be, I just admitted it thank you very much). Well my latest obsession is the new Balenciaga Giant Brief bag. Just look at how lovely it is. Soft leather, classic shape, giant gold rivets that serve no purpose whatsoever. I want this bag, I want it like I wanted my first pair of Louboutins (And yes, I've worn them on several occasions despite the fact that they kill and I can't exactly stand in them!) So as I'm racking my brain on ways to get my hand on this little beauty, I'm feeling frustrated that there are no holidays in the summer that warrant gifting. Flag Day just passed, but that's my mom's birthday so not really appropriate to ask for something for myself I guess. Father's Day flew by, couldn't figure out how to make that work for me for obvious reasons. What about the 4th, shouldn't we celebrate our nation's independence on providing fabulous bags for its most worthy citizens?! It's just that Hanukkah, Valentine's Day and my birthday all occur in one short quarter of the year - which basically means I get jipped on the gifting. By the time my b-day rolls around Pants is a little weak in the wallet. And I don't know if our anniversary counts because we broke up and got back together - can I count both days?! That could work, one of them is coming up in August... But Pants should be investing in other gifts for me, so we'll leave him out of this. OOH, brilliant idea, we need to create Auntie day. There's a grandparents day, mother's, father's etc... what about all the hard working spinster aunts out there? Don't they deserve recognition for all the free babysitting, baby clothes, baby planning, give-mom-and-dad-a-break-time that they put in with the rug rats?! I should think so. Aunts are vital to a child's rearing and should be recognized with fancy gifts that come in lilac. I'm declaring June 18th International Auntie Day. I'd like to celebrate by enjoying dinner at the International House of Pancakes, where I will enjoy the "face" and unwrap gifts. EK, your treat, you can bring Alex, just make sure she's cleaned and changed and all so she's not stinky when I'm eating my hash browns, and of course make sure she brings a gift, one in particular. When you are an Aunt, I'll of course return the favor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no problem...i just saw it on the street outside my office building.