The Honna and I already have our "first dance" all planned out, but should something not work or we are feeling anxiety about it at the last moment, we will revert to one of these classics:
This is just pure classic. In fact, Rad was what brought Honna and I together 3 beautiful years ago. Lauri Laughlin really does it up proper with these sweet BMX moves.
Who would be able to refuse a remake of the final dance sequence from Dirty Dancing? The Honna has actually prepared in advance for this one. He's been practicing his slide across the floor for quite some time. And that smooth sweep down Jennifer Grey's arm is a nightly ritual for Ette2 and her man. It's our send-off; our good night, so to speak. We're well versed.
These prisoners had the right idea when they got together as a collective group to choreograph themselves to MJ's Thriller classic. We just might be able to pull this off, minus the orange jump suits. A ball and chain will have to suffice. Pun intended.