Thursday, October 11, 2007


OK, this is a kvetch that is long overdue. I work in an office of maybe 50 women and about 3 guys, and one of those sweaty misogynists set the thermostat to 58 degrees and set some rule that it can't be changed without the approval of the office manager. There is even a little sign on the thing that says 'do not touch.' Well our office manager is obviously going through menopause because she's never cold, leaving the rest of us women still in our child-bearing years to suffer. I'm freezing all the time, my little fingers are stiff with cold, my nose runs constantly and my nipples are like knives. WTF? Why do people like to work like this? If they would set the air at a reasonable temperature, I could be much more efficient, actually working right now instead of kvetching about it on my blog. Think about that management!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I sharpen your knives?