Monday, October 1, 2007

Working out

I don't like to work out. I know it's good for you, and you usually feel good after you do it, etc. But I'm just never going to be one of those people who love it.

Here are some reasons why:
- You get all sweaty
- The person on the machine next to you always smells bad
- Sometimes you think a little toot comes out if you're working out real hard, and so you try to smell all around to see if there was a leak, but you just end up getting a big whiff of the stinky guy next to you
- All the naked girls in the locker room weird me out
- You get thirsty
- There's always a super hot-bod girl there who makes you feel like a pig, and why bother cause you'll never look like that anyway
- The creepy guy who stares
- The trainers - all of them
- Thinking you look all cute in your gym spandex and then you see yourself in the wall to wall mirrors and being grossed out
- Working out makes me want to eat that much more
- Going down to the weight room to do bicep curls with your 5-lbs, and having all the guys there squeeze you out of mat space
- It takes so long and you miss the beginning of the Hills - and you know they hardly ever re-run that show.

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